Mind Power For Medical Profession

The following fact implies that people have lost interest in modern mental health services. On 16 January 1996 Evening standard called London’s mental health service being “Shambles” 9th February issue of Daily Mirror carried a head line: “we’re med to trust shrinks.” The power of mind over matte is also described as “PSYCHOKINESIS”. According to Thalbourne Psycho kinesis is “the mediation of any known physical energy.” The lack of mind power among teenagers is evident from another fact that from 1960 to 1990 rates of teenage pregnancies have more than tripled. Italy is a best example of nation wide change that can be made feasible in psychiatric care. Emilia Romanga, in Northern Italy has population of four million.  Since 1978 reforms in psychiatric services were implemented. It was decided that mental hospitals will be phased out in fifteen years. The administration also decided to start a network of mental health community centers in whole region. Local health units were made responsible for a comprehensive mental health service. All these change with help of highly motivated professionals had given unbelievable results. From 1978 to 1994 three mental hospitals out of nine were from 4798 to 655!  In patient admission was reduced by 35% The case of Emilia Romanga with in the Italian. Angelo fiorilti, Leo Lo Russo, Vittario Melego, Reform said In united States about 3 million teenager acquire sexually transmitted disease every year.

Dr. Mikhail Buyanov had described another interesting example in his book “Child psychiatry and You”.

A college student had lost his speech for eighteen months. He was trapped between two trucks creating great fright. Medical treatment could not recover him. When Mukhmud Esambaev a famous dancer from the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was touring Kherson writing “Is it worth while for me to go on learning the art of watching his most expressive dance, the student cried out and become unconscious. As he regained consciousness few incoherent words came out. After some days he could speak normally. The college student was cured by the emotions induced by the power of art!  Recent research on the functioning of Brain and Consciousness has added new understanding about mind-power. The mind-power is virtually limitless. Even when we look at Brain- the physical organ which is intimately related to the manifestation of mind power, has ten to hundred billion neurons or nerve cells. Each neuron can

store five billion pieces of information! This is five times the capacity of average computer chip.

26th January 2001 will be remembered for what? Gujarat Earthquake.

It was quite unfortunate; there was another side of the story as well! There was a man, who was paralyzed before few days, and he was absolutely bed-ridden but when this earthquake took place he started running and he took shelter in a safe place. Why was he able to do this? What helped him? His own mind-power, because earlier he believed that he was paralyzed, he cannot even get up, so he was not able to do it, but when there was no one to help him, his own subconscious power helped him and even he was able to run.

In another story, a young lady and her four-year old child was trapped under a car. The situation was such that unless somebody lift the car the child cannot be saved, so at that moment mother herself lifted the car; for quite some time so that the child could come out.  Once again, that’s another important example of mind-power.

Mind potential is manifold, more than what we really believe; we can really do more than what we can do. It’s not only that mind can help us in intellectual development. Even intellectual ability of our consciousness so to say is much mote than what we believe. Very few people know that Einstein the great scientist of last century had severe difficulty in counting coins when he was a kid. His mathematics was so poor; he was not even able to count coins. This same person rose so high.

As far as even language is concerned, Churchill was supposed to be the best orator of his time, but few people know that he had failed in English in 8th grade. His English was so poor but ultimately this same person had improved his vocabulary and body language so well that he was the most respected orator. Have you heard the name of Jig Jiggler. He was supposed to be the best trainer, so to say. Basically he was so famous. But, as a matter of fact, he was a failure as a young man when he started his career of sales. For many years he thought he was not a good salesman. “I cannot, can never sale goods to my customers”. Spoke to him. But just a small incident took place and that incident had caused a turning point in his life. What happened? Once a very Senior   Executive called Jig J. said,   “There was just a small talk like this and after this talk the young Jiggler started thinking that when such a high rank great person is telling him that he has a great

potential as a sales man, thee must be something unique in him. He has written this story in one of his books, ‘see yourself on the top’. And he says that this incident has not changed anything else. Like his sales technique for knowledge about self, everything remained the same. The small change which took place after this incident was my self-esteem had increased: because my Self-esteem increased to such a high level that after this I started believing that I can really become a good and best Salesman. And then is History.

Influence of Mind on Immune System

David Ale Cellan, a physiologist at Harvard University did an experiment on thirteen under graduates to find out the influence of Mind on Immune System. 1 U suggested them within twenty four hours of having common cold to visit a spiritual healer. The therapy given by the healer was ordinary. He just told all the students that you are healed. Mc Cellan developed a list of thirty two symptoms as an indication of the severity. The questionnaire was given to the patients before and after the treatment. 1 le also took samples of patient’s saliva and measured immunoglobulin A (IgA). The findings were significantly increased. This implies that their immune response has also improved.

When other physicians at the university heard about this unusual impairment they became critical. Their argument was that same improvement can be achieved if any doctor told them the same words “you are healed”. The experiment was repeated. The doctors told sick students that they would get better but neither their symptoms nor their IgA showed any improvement.

S.E. Locke and I) Colligan, The Healer With in: The New Medicine of Mind and Body (New York : E.RDutton 1968).

Power of Affirmation under anesthesia

William Mainord, Barry Rath and Frank Barnett did an exceptional experiment on patients undergoing back surgery at a rehabilitation hospital in Chicago. Under total general anesthesia when they were not in a position to respond to any suggestions consciously specific affirmations were given. Many patients undergoing this type of surgery are unable to urinate of their own. At the end of the surgery when the patients were still unconscious the operating surgeon addressed

the patients by their first name and confidently gave an affirmation to a group of completed. Everything went on well. You will have to lie down relax pelvic muscle is o\would help in recovering fast without any difficulty to urinate. You will be able to urinate voluntarily. There won’t be any need to put catheter. The second comparison group did not receive any suggestions. The second comparison group needed catheter. The out come was amazing more than fifty percent of patients on comparison group needed the catheter. The study was presented at the annual meeting of American psychological association on August 1985. This implies that even in unconscious state a person can accept the affirmation and follow them.

William Mainord, Barry Rath and frank Bernett, “Anesthesia and suggestion” in Danial Goleman’s Vital Lies, simple truth: The psychology of self-Deccption (New York: Simon and Schuster 1985) pp-89-90.

George Parker Biddes has an unusual capacity for calculations. When he was elected to the British parliament his opponents were afraid during his presence to talk about mathematical figures.

Sari Evanen and his associates at Helsinki Institute of Technology conducted a unique experiment to check the brain power. They measured the changes in the auditory cortex of a group of deaf individual while they were holding a vibrating tube in their hands. Measurements were taken in same condition for the individuals with normal hearing abilities. To the surprise of researchers the instrument measured changes in the auditory context of the group who was deaf. No such changes were measured in the group with normal hearing ability. This proves the enormous adoptive power of our senses and the brain. If one sense organ is not functioning or damaged another sense organ can take over the same function.

Robert Adler who could condition rats to suppress immune response by giving saccharine water successfully used the same mechanism in thirteen year old girl. She was having an autoimmune disease known as lupus erythematous. Her kidney infection and epilepsy. Her symptoms included High blood pressure, bleeding arteries, kidney infection and epilepsy. Her pediatrician wanted to use cytosine-a powerful immunosuppressant. The patient’s mother was a psychologist and had read about Adlcr’s experiment of rat. She wanted to condition her daughter in a same manner so that the unpleasant side effects of cytosine can be reduced. Adler and her doctor decided to condition her to cod liver oil and a strong rose perfume. She was given monthly dose of intravenous

cytosine for subsequent three months. And simultaneously she was asked to do three things one: slowly sip cod liver oil. Two: smell rose perfume. Fourth month onwards she was given Cytoxan injection only once in three months yet every month she would

take those three steps of sipping cod liver oil, smelling rose perfume and visualizing the rose. Even without (Cytoxan injection she developed significant nausea. Due to this conditioning with jus six injections of Cytoxan the good doctors could achieve the therapeutic results of twelve injections. At three years follow up she was maintaining benefits and was able to attend her college.

You might be surprised to know that wide range of substances were used to treat diseases starting from skin diseases to cancer. Crushed spiders, eunuch fat, unicorn horn, lizard’s blood, scrapings from the skull of a hanged criminal, powdered mummy and so on. The quit fascinating thing about these remedies is that it did help few patients on some occasions. It is certain that there were no chemical substances to cure the disease then what really help these padents. The most acceptable answer is patients on mind.

Mind can bring about physical changes in your body such as reduce extra fat, increasing muscular strength, and so on.

Because our cells are constantly being renewed, they can change and learn new habits.

Dr. Keith Clark conducted a study of 20 women in 1989 in which they used visualization techniques to have desired figure. Without am suggestions on diet and exercise the technique brought about a significant reduction in the various parts of the body.

Prof . Pyotr. Anokhin the success or of Paviov in psychology was the first to show that the dendrites of the brain cell are important for intellectual use of brain. It is very significant to note that new dendrites can be generated even in old age.

Neurologist have calculated that if we lose 10,000 brain cells everyday from the age of twenty five by the time we become hundred year old we would have lost less than 2.7 percent of brain cells! With these examples what I wanted to emphasize was that we have indeed a great deal of mind potential in all areas. The study conducted by Prof Anokhin and Mark Rosenzweig imply that if one start feeding ten new bits of information every second for hundred years the capacity of brain will not be exhausted. This might be mental, intellectual, physical and so on. The priority government

has to give for the development of adequate mind power (AMP) can best illustrated by the example of African nations. All development that had taken place in last thirty five to forty years with multidimensional efforts are washed out just by the spread of AIDS. Indicators of development have been reversed to the levels of sixties. A strange fact is that in over fifty percent couples who are infected with HIV have different sub types of the virus. N. K. Ganguly, director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research had expressed his concern over this fact while delivering the 60th Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bosc Memorial Lecture. The seriousness of the spread of HIV lies in the fact that everyday 16000 people are infected with this deadly virus. Out of this fifty percent are voung people between 15 to 24 years of age. And almost two third of them are girls. In various competitive games, muscle power, technical training, practice and so on are considered important. But the mind power that can fuel success is often neglected.

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