World Mental Health Day (WMHD) 10 October 2019

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Mount Abu: World Mental Health Day is celebrated all over the world on October 10 every year. This year the theme of World Mental Health Day is “Mental Health Promotion and suicide prevention “. As we all know that there is no health without mental health. A physically fit person is unable to discharge his routine duties if he is suffering from depression, anxiety or suicidal tendencies.

According to WHO more than 8 lakh people die by suicide every year, thus making it a principal cause of death among people 15 to 29 years of age. 79% of these suicides occur in low and middle-income countries or we can say that one death every 40 seconds is due to suicide. There are more deaths from suicide from war and homicide put together. Pesticides, hanging and firearms are the most common methods used globally for suicide. It is generally believed that only adults exhibit suicidal behaviour but many children and young people also engage in this type of behaviour as a result of violence, sexual abuse, bullying and cyberbullying. Suicide is a global health phenomenon, which deserves attention from National Health authorities because it is their responsibility to craft policies, develop strategies to prevent suicide and promote the mental health of the public. The role of both print and audio-visual media and social media are very important because it can have a positive as well as negative impact on the masses, depending on how they address this subject. Talking about suicide is a social taboo. The aim of making suicide prevention the theme of World Mental Health Day is to help the community to learn about the risk factors so that they can identify the people at risk and learn to address them.

Suicide is preventable and can be avoided, therefore all our efforts and public policies should focus on prevention. However so often people who suffer from mental illness do not have access to mental health services. Sometimes there are no services in their vicinity, sometimes because it is a taboo to talk about such issues in traditional societies. We need everyone’s help in this noble cause that is why we need to involve not only psychologist and counsellors but NGO’s, families and social workers so that we can share our experience and knowledge about an issue so important and painful as suicide with each other. Each of us can make a contribution to ensure that people dealing with problems related to mental health can live better lives with dignity.
Every year 1 adult in 4 and one children in 10 has a mental health issue. These conditions can affect literally millions of lives and effect their capability to sustain relationships and to maintain work. The stigma attached to mental health issues; ill-informed attitudes make it more difficult for the sufferer to pursue help. According to some estimates, only 25% of the sufferers get access to continuous treatment. Most of the sufferers are faced with a variety of issues ranging from isolation to uncertainty about where to get help or information and had to rely on the in formal support of the family, friends and colleagues. The only way to deal with the stigma of mental health problems is to identify the causes, pinpointing solutions and recognising that mental health issue is a medical issue like any other disease. Like physical maladies, mental health problems also need medical treatment and we must understand that mental issues are precursors of physical maladies.
Spirituality has a great role to play in our mental well-being. It reduces tension and develops a positive attitude towards life. Rajyoga meditation provides a lot of relaxation and gives us an aim of life. By adopting Rajyoga lifestyle all lifestyle diseases can be reversed/avoided.

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