Leading a Stress-Free Life

Till about 20 years ago, the word ‘stress’ was only a term in Science. It was not a part of our conversations to refer to our state of mind. Even during those years we worked as hard as we are working...


Soul Mind Body Continuum

The world as we experience it has been seen in dichotomies – us and them, rural-urban, literate-not literate, rich-poor, developing-developed, white-black, have-have not, men-women etc.  the schism that we experience outside is also tearing us apart inside.  The seamless continuum that...



The psycho-spiritual aspects of life to be applied on day-to-day may seem daunting in the beginning but each one of us is actually going through it always.  It may come when we are in a crisis or things are not going...


Being ‘In’-Dependent

We all want freedom and independence but is it only about having our own house, our own room, our own money and our own decisions. We all seek political, financial, physical and social freedom, but after having it all, are we...


My Thoughts Create My Destiny

Spiritual wisdom teaches us that happiness is independent of our accomplishments, possessions and relationships. Yet, some days we feel pleasant, some days anxious. Some days we are enthusiastic, some days dull. This means that sometimes our feelings are not in our...


When We Change, The World Changes

Visualize waking up tomorrow morning, absolutely contented. Satisfied with everything – God, our life, family, food, home, job, friends, money, comforts, city. Accepting myself, people, situations, traffic, pollution, weather, as they are. Admiring the beauty and uniqueness in every speck of...



What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception of reality. It affects the way in which a person behaves, thinks and sees the world. Schizophrenia usually begins during late adolescence or early adulthood, i.e.,...


Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar Disorder, earlier known as Manic-Depressive Disorder, is a mental disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. People with Bipolar Disorder experience unusually intense emotional states or “mood episodes.” Bipolar Disorder which makes...


Sleep Disorders

Sound sleep is one of the many ways of living a healthy lifestyle. However, concerns like difficulty in falling asleep, disturbed sleep patterns, irregular sleep cycles have become common nowadays. Such issues if experienced repeatedly can result in Sleep Disorders. What...