Tagged: Brahma Kumaris


Yogic Practices

Yogic practices have been practiced for thousand of years mainly for the sake of the final goal of liberation from the cycle of re-birth and the pain associated with it. These practices were intended to influence the mind more than the...


Salient Features of Yoga

1.Yoga a universal practical discipline Yoga is universal in character for practice and application irrespective of culture, nationality, race, caste, creed, sex, age and physical condition. Neither by reading the texts nor by wearing the garb of an ascetic, one can...


Types of Yoga

Japa Yoga To concentrate one’s mind on divine name or holy syllable, mantra etc. like ‘OM’, ‘Rama’, ‘Allah’, ‘God’, ‘Vahe Guru’ etc. through repeated recitation or remembrance. Karma Yoga Teaches us to perform all actions without having any desire for their...