Meditation As Medication

Meditations as a Technique less useful compared to Meditative Life Style


µ  Root word – ‘Medere’ which means to make ‘whole’.  Healing also comes from the                                   same root word.

µ  Found in all cultures, religions and regions (West/East).

µ  Has taken on a very esoteric meaning but is just a disciplined way of reflecting on self, one’s                         relationship with the world and God, present and future path of life and meaning/higher                                     purpose in life.

µ  The techniques and range differs from practices of concentration, awareness or altered states                         of consciousness.  It may be focused (Mantra) or non directional.

µ  It may be a practice for a short time or a way of being (with a particular life style).

µ  It is most effective when practiced with non-judgment attitude of gratitude while letting go                         of thoughts and emotions.

µ  It may be individual or group.  It may be accompanied by incense, music, special colors or                                     light etc.

Meditation  Techniques

­  Rajyoga

­  Transcendental

­  Vipassana

­  Patanjali

­  Pranayam

­  Sudershan kriya

­  Budhist

­  Others

Principles of Meditation  

u       Relaxation

u       Oxygenation

u Imagery

u Visualization  

u Concentration 

u Self-hypnosis 

u Cognitive Therapy

u Peak-experiences

u Secretion of endorphines

How Meditation works?

n It raises the energy levels and strengthens the immune system to fight/ward off illnesses.

n It induces relaxation response and the associated psychophysiolgical processes.

n It acts on the Karmic/Sanskar levels to neutralize the causes and effects of illness.

n It enhances the positivity of the person about self and healing, thus setting off chain reactions of healing.

n It induces a connection to the source (God) to draw the power to heal.

n It stimulates life style changes which are useful for self healing and allow the external healing forces to act better.

If practiced regularly for 20-45 minutes (once/twice per day), all meditations produce the relaxation response accompanied by –

} Decreased heart rate and blood pressure

} Increased blood flow to brain and heart

} Positive changes in EEG, EMG and skin resistance

} Improved sleep and digestion

} Less irritability, anxiety and depression on rating scales

} Less frequency and duration of illnesses

} Decreased accidents and man days lost at work

} Improved interpersonal relationships

} Improved scores on self actualization inventories, emotional and spiritual quotients.


¤ Allergies

¤ Asthma

¤ Anxiety

¤ Acid-peptic disease

¤ Cancer

¤ Coronary disease

¤ Depression (Neurotic)

¤ Diabetes

¤ Hypertension

¤ Irritable bowel syndrome

¤ Migraine

¤ Substance abuse (Tobacco & Alcohol also)

¤ Tension headache etc.

¤ Healing and recovery from all diseases enhanced.

Relative Contra Indications

Æ Psychosis

Æ Severe Depression

Æ Confusional States

Æ Extreme Anxiety

Æ Dementias

Meditation and Medication

² Meditation need not be instead of medical treatment and can be co-prescribed.

² Meditation need not be only for ‘patients’ but medical and paramedical professionals also benefit from it, especially for their own stress.

² Meditation as medication at medical establishment improves the functioning and rates of recovery as well as reduces cost of treatment with comprehensive, holistic recovery of the client at all levels.

² There is now increasing evidence of efficacy of many therapeutic techniques like Yoga, Meditation, Prayers and Spirituality based interventions.

² There is increasing desire by the society and mental health professionals to integrate values in self and in therapy as well as adopt a transpersonal, humanistic approach.

We are spirit materialized, engaged in spiritualizing matter.

We are not human beings, having a spiritual experience.

We are spiritual beings, having a human experience.

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