My Thoughts Create My Destiny

Spiritual wisdom teaches us that happiness is independent of our accomplishments, possessions and relationships. Yet, some days we feel pleasant, some days anxious. Some days we are enthusiastic, some days dull. This means that sometimes our feelings are not in our control. The fact is that each of us can create feelings and destiny of our choice using Thought Power. How do thoughts manifest destiny? Answer is in a simple chain moving forward sequentially from our thoughts to feelings, attitude, actions, habits, personality and destiny. Let us understand how they work.

  1. My Every Thought Generates My Feeling.
    Thoughts are my creation. Every thought gives rise to a feeling, so how I feel is decided by the quality of my thought. So if I consciously create a pure, positive thought, I feel happy. Happiness is a feeling, an emotion and an experience I go through. Likewise I also experience feelings like peace, love, pain, anger. Suppose I create a thought – I enjoy working in this generates a positive emotion and I feel happy. On the contrary, if I create a thought – I dislike working here, it generates a negative emotion and I feel dejected. My inner power depletes so my job feels tougher as I get weaker. Instead, if I think – I have challenges at office but will face them, my positivity helps me to overcome them.
  2. My Feelings Develop My Attitude.
    My thoughts create feelings at every moment whether in my relationships, workplace or a shopping mall. Everyone is who they are, everything is what it is. But how I feel about people and situations over a period develops my attitude towards them, determining whether I accept, respect or reject them. So if I create a thought – I enjoy working in this officeover a period of time, the resulting happiness defines my attitude about my office – one of belongingness.
  3. My Attitude Brings Me Into Action.
    My attitude dictates my outlook, behavior and response to people and situations. So my attitude drives my actions. Using yesterday’s example – I am an employee whose attitude towards my office is one of belongingness. This attitude brings me into action. I give my best performance. I work passionately and align with my company goals.
  4. Repeated Actions Form My Habits.
    Repeating any action twice, thrice, or ten times makes it a habit. When I am a high-performing employee, I enjoy all the associated benefits. It enhances my happiness and motivates me to do better in the next task, then the next. So I get into a habit – of remaining happy, performing and succeeding.
  5. Habits Define My Personality.
    I become what I repeatedly do. So all my habits combined together shape my personality. They become an integral part of my life, flowing into my behavior and guide my way through life. If I am a happy employee, it flows in my personality. In this way my happiness is not restricted to my workplace but accompanies me everywhere, leaving its impression in everything I do.
  6. Personality In Action Manifests My Destiny.
    As will be my personality, so will be my every action. As will be my action, so will be the consequence of the action. That consequence is my Destiny.

Summary: This is how all elements come together – my thoughts create feelings, feelings develop my attitude, attitude comes into action, actions repeatedly done cultivate habit, habits influence my personality, and my personality scripts my destiny. Therefore I choose how I want to feel the whole day, my whole life. I decide the list of emotions to use and the ones to avoid. I have the power to write a destiny of my choice. So when I create a positive thought, it manifests a happy destiny.

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