HELTH IS WEALTH, Health is our birthright, health is the treasure of life. Today the whole world has became a big hospital, each and every person is patient  because according to WHO , health means Physical, Mental, Social and spiritual wellbeing of a person and not merely absence of  disease. If we consider this definition of Health, Whole world is full of  Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Jealousy, Hatred etc. 

If we compare Heath with the prism, the base of the prism is Spiritual Health. The Society is sick Spiritually. Without Becoming Spiritually Healthy one can not enjoy Holistic Health.

Now what is Spiritual Health? What are the spiritual qualities of a Spiritually Healthy Person.

1) Spiritually Healthy Person experiences himself to be an eternal, immortal  soul, distinct from the body. Due to constant awareness of  sole he remains stable in the original nature of the soul that is purity, peace, bliss, love happiness, powers etc. 

Spiritually health person is pure & positive sound and stable and calm and quiet , even during adverse situations.  He is always in a happy cheerful mood, because he understands that happiness is the best medicines, Happiness is light vitamins and peace is like tranquilizers. Pease and Happiness are very essential qualities for a healthy life. 

Spiritually healthy person’s thoughts are always positive are very essential for positive health. It helps to attain highest level of emotional equilibrium. Due to deep experience of  purity, peace, love , happiness, he remains free from mental tension and unhealthy habits and free from psychosomatic problems. 

2) Spiritually healthy person has the correct knowledge of the supreme father of all the souls, therefore he is not overcome by the distinctions of cast, creed , colour and has the feeling of universal brotherhood. His heart is full of divine selfless love for all the souls and therefore he always gives co-operation, love, peace, empathy to others,  and this is very essential for healthy society. Because love is the best tonic.

3) Spiritually Healthy person is not influenced  by the vices like Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Jealousy etc. So he is mentally Healthy. These vices are the dieses of the sole. Vices are the root causes of all the problems in the world and causes of all the disease. All the disease of the mind, body and society. But  the tragedy is that today vices are considered as virtues and day by day the force of the vices has been.

increased. Spiritually Healthy person is not easily exited, he is sound and stable. Sound and stable mind is very essential for a speedy cure of the body. Anger is like a poison, it spoils the beauty of the soul. The person who are short tempered are likely to suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease. Anger is temporary insanity. B.P. rises like a thread of mercury in thermometer when the person becames angry and violent. All the vices are like toxins which disturbs the mental, physical and social health. 

4)   Spiritually Healthy person develops certain divine virtues in life which are very essential for good mental physical and social health.    e.g. Humbleness, Kindness, Co-Operation, Sweet Tongue , Patience, Cheerfulness, Fearlessness, Self Confidence, Love, Empathy etc. are divine virtues. Kind words are more than medicine. Sweet  words are like anesthesia. By these divine qualities he can satisfy all the souls and this will improve social health. 

5) Spiritually Healthy person cultivates certain spiritual powers in life which are very essential for positive health.   e.g.  Tolerance power, Power to face the Problems, Power to adjust etc.  These are very important for peaceful, Healthy , Happy , Harmonious life.  Tolerance is the tonic of life. 

6) Spiritually Healthy Person is free from Unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol etc. He can prevent many disease like gastritis, ulcer, cancer of various organs.

7) Spiritually Healthy person will always do righteous “Karm” (Action).  Sinful actions are also responsible for physical illness. 

In this way spiritual health is very important and it is the basis of positive health. 

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